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Logistics. Availability of personnel.

short introduction A film crew is a group of people hired by a production company for the purpose of producing a film or a motion picture however, the film department separates the film crew into different departments for instance they might have a audio and video department this consists of all the cameras and microphones. and in another section would be the directors/co-crew this would consist of all the people running the whole operartion   A Skeleton crew is the minimum number of people you need to operate or maintain a certain project or task. He considers a skeleton crew to be made up of 5 people although he doesn’t think that Production Designer and Script Supervisor should be included in his crew. However, Kroll believes that the main 5 crew members should be: Director of photography –  a Director of Photography is a crucial part of the crew can spend more time direction your actors and less time worrying about lighting and set ups. Saves you a lot of t

Film Funding

There are may ways to fund a film the main three being private,public and a hedge fund. Private funding. Private film funding is a way of financing big budget productions. Private companies invest money into the media/entertainment industry, helping production companies and independent producers.  Advantages of private funding: Most likely to get a bigger budget  with a better name under your film could gather more customers/watchers. can secure better locations to film and better equipment Disadvantages of private funding: Takes a more complex route and longer route of obtaining funding Wont always get the funding you need/want. GOLDCREST are one of the private companies. Goldcrest is a market leading supplier of Academy and BAFTA Award winning picture and sound post production services for film based in central London and New York   Goldcrest provides innovative financial solutions across the media sector, from independent producers to the maj


Logistics. Time: Deadlines- meeting deadlines in any situation is paramount and repeated failure to do so will definitely risk the success of the project Film is no exception Establishing deadlines is a balancing act On one hand you have to know the size of the project and how much funding is secured will have a big impact on the duration of the project. On the other hand, timescales for the various phases of the work must be achievable and practical. Production managers (prepare all the timings) are important for pre-production and confirm that there is enough time to complete all the tasks Will always involve contingency plans so that if major obstacles are encountered will be able to adapt and change timings around so they can meet the deadline. Have to be able to adapt to new situations and be flexible and finish the product on time and finfish on budget. Consequence of not paying sufficient attention to deadlines? Deadlines are a point or ti

Short Film VS Feature Film

SHORT FILMS VS FEATURE FILMS Short films and feature films are similar yet different . However, what happens in pre-production and production are entirely different. During pre-production short films take the same route as a feature film, getting the crew & cast and scripting all take similar routes however how there held are entirely different for instance with short films your most likely to  write a shorter script then what a feature film would have and the crew and casting in short films would be either new actors or actors that are not well known they do this project to help them get noticed and with the casting crew they will be less experienced then Feature Films crew and casting because they have a lower budget and can't afford top notch equipment. staying with Pre-production when the directing crew have to come up with the storyboards & shotlisting the short films will most likely only have a shorter storyboard however, there is more likel

Media Production

There are many forms of media production in the areas of entertainment,communication of information that reaches a wide range of people; for instance everyday items are can be considered in the area of media production like the radio, televisions and even newspapers. These allow you to create entertainment for people over a period of time for instance creating a new film. Within media production there are many forms. You have the creative side which includes singers and filmmakers. You also have the research side of media production.