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Short Film VS Feature Film

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Short films and feature films are similar yet different. However, what happens in pre-production and production are entirely different. During pre-production short films take the same route as a feature film, getting the crew & cast and scripting all take similar routes however how there held are entirely different for instance with short films your most likely to  write a shorter script then what a feature film would have and the crew and casting in short films would be either new actors or actors that are not well known they do this project to help them get noticed and with the casting crew they will be less experienced then Feature Films crew and casting because they have a lower budget and can't afford top notch equipment. staying with Pre-production when the directing crew have to come up with the storyboards & shotlisting the short films will most likely only have a shorter storyboard however, there is more likely having less happening in the scene because they have a smaller budget less props and actors to be wary off this will also take them less time because when they are reorganizing the storyboards into the correct  order there are less scenes to put into order.
Funding is also a problem for short films because they can't easily obtain advertising as easy so cant gain any profits from it or have to self fund it. However, companies may approach up and coming film makers to have built in advertising so companies can approach short film makers and ask them to have product placement for instance BMW might want a short film made so as long as you use the product they want advertising you wont have to pay for the funding or could get extra profits from the film, whereas feature films can get funding from big companies because they are will known for making good movies.
as we move into production the gap gets bigger and bigger. In short films production there will be less shots that will be cut out of the final cut whereas feature films there will be hundreds of shots that wont make it onto the final cut of the film. 


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