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Deadlines- meeting deadlines in any situation is paramount and repeated failure to do so will definitely risk the success of the project
Film is no exception
Establishing deadlines is a balancing act
On one hand you have to know the size of the project and how much funding is secured will have a big impact on the duration of the project.
On the other hand, timescales for the various phases of the work must be achievable and practical.
Production managers (prepare all the timings) are important for pre-production and confirm that there is enough time to complete all the tasks
Will always involve contingency plans so that if major obstacles are encountered will be able to adapt and change timings around so they can meet the deadline.
Have to be able to adapt to new situations and be flexible and finish the product on time and finfish on budget.
Consequence of not paying sufficient attention to deadlines?

Deadlines are a point or time when a project has to be submitted/completed by a set time/date however if it’s not completed by those set dates there will be consequences. During pre-production it’s very important that you have a production manager; production managers set all the timings for production this allows people to get a rough idea of when they are expected to be ready and when the final cut should be available/completed. Throughout pre-production you will need deadlines for certain topics for instance when they are choosing the cast through auditions they will have a set date that that will be don’t by so then they know who the actors are and how they would fit the role. If the project size is to big the deadline date will be later then planed/wanted. In film making you will always need a contingency plan so that if production is obstructed e.g. an illness puts one of your main actors out you’ll need a back-up actor that will need to take over that’s why it’s important to have a flexible crew. Deadlines are more apparent In pre-production in every aspect because in pre-production it sets up everything after from production to post production because you get an idea of the time that you want to start production by and when you know the deadline that production should be finished by and then post-production will fit itself into the time slots

In a project there will be overall project deadline and an individual deadline for the lower and separate parts of the project will have a separate deadline these will be important to keep in mind so you don’t get confused on the wrong deadline and then cause a ripple in the work. Another issue that can affect media production project is availability of the client, equipment and facilities and group members. It’s important to keep in mind when planning a production brief or a response to the production brief the media producer and key people in the team need to be able to ensure that the personnel and resources are available at the time they are needed. Teams that make up the entire production crew need to be selected on their reliability and ability to realise a commitment on what there responsible for and they are too able to meet deadlines. A film team makes up a chain and if one department falls behind the chain will break or will “stiffen up” making the project slow down or completely stop. If one department fail to meet a deadline it may have a domino effect on the other departments so other departments may fall behind to make sure that that one department that originally failed to meet the deadline don’t fall even further behind. When putting together a production schedule media producers need to make sure that they have included time for feedback from the clients or the target audience so that they can act on this and improve their project or have a slight change to this.

Production schedule is a plan for the project of how the budget will be spent over the given timescale, for every part of the project whether it will be a media production or a business project. A production schedule can link in with timescales because it gives them an idea of the budget that each department will be able to work with and the overall deadline that the project has.


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