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Film Funding

There are may ways to fund a film the main three being private,public and a hedge fund.

Private funding.

Private film funding is a way of financing big budget productions. Private companies invest money into the media/entertainment industry, helping production companies and independent producers. 
Advantages of private funding:
  • Most likely to get a bigger budget 
  • with a better name under your film could gather more customers/watchers.
  • can secure better locations to film and better equipment
Disadvantages of private funding:

  • Takes a more complex route and longer route of obtaining funding
  • Wont always get the funding you need/want.

GOLDCREST are one of the private companies.

Goldcrest is a market leading supplier of Academy and BAFTA Award winning picture and sound post production services for film based in central London and New York  
Goldcrest provides innovative financial solutions across the media sector, from independent producers to the major studios and has funded films ranging in budget from $3million to $98 million, of which four have opened at number 1 at the US box office.

Goldcrest leads sales and distribution business, working with third party producers to develop, package and finance their IP. For Goldcrest to claim any profits off of films or media productions is by monetizing prestigious commercial tiltes. Within the ‘Goldcrest Library’ they have over 100 titles and 20 academy awards with distributed agreements with five major US studios and key independent distributors in other 50 places.
Public funding.

Public funding  is money that comes from the government, often through taxes this is often distributed throughout global companies the most know ones being BFI and the Creative England fund.

Advantages of public funding:

  • can get funding with one attempt 
  • Leads to a higher success rate when applying for private funds.
  •  give you or your organization instant credibility and public exposure.
Disadvantages of public funding:
  • Require a lot of planning
  • Very competitive because they are open to pretty much anyone with a idea 

 BFI funding.
 The BFI Network exists to nurture and support new filmmaking talent in every region of the UK. To ensure that we continue achieving this, they are growing the network and introducing new funding opportunities. Most short films end of cliff hangers and tend to get good ratings better then what most feature films get.

Hedge Fund.
Typically formed as a private limited partnership, that engages in speculation using credit or borrowed capital.

MovieFundMoviefund is a hedgefund comapny working with a number of Hollywood's most respected producers and directors on big budget feature films and TV shows. Timothy E.Burke founded moviefund.


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