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Showing posts from November, 2017

Logistics. Availability of personnel.

short introduction A film crew is a group of people hired by a production company for the purpose of producing a film or a motion picture however, the film department separates the film crew into different departments for instance they might have a audio and video department this consists of all the cameras and microphones. and in another section would be the directors/co-crew this would consist of all the people running the whole operartion   A Skeleton crew is the minimum number of people you need to operate or maintain a certain project or task. He considers a skeleton crew to be made up of 5 people although he doesn’t think that Production Designer and Script Supervisor should be included in his crew. However, Kroll believes that the main 5 crew members should be: Director of photography –  a Director of Photography is a crucial part of the crew can spend more time direction your actors and less time worrying about lighting and set ups. Saves you a lot of t